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The latest news from Gaza; Continued attacks by the Zionist regime

The latest news from Gaza on Friday morning tells about the continued attacks of the Zionist regime on different areas of this strip.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, Al Jazeera news channel reporter in Gaza reported on Friday morning in Khan Yunis, south of Gaza, that the attacks of the Israeli regime led to the complete destruction of a residential building and the martyrdom of several people.

Israeli attacks continued in the north of Gaza and, among other things, the regime army launched artillery attacks in Ramal neighborhood in Gaza City.

According to Al Jazeera reporter, the building of Palestine Mobile Communications Company was destroyed in Ramal neighborhood.

Thirty-four days have passed since the beginning of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip. In these attacks, 10,569 people, including 4,237 children, 2,823 women and girls, and 631 elderly people were martyred. In addition, there have been reports of more than 3,000 missing and 26,000 injured Palestinian citizens.

The United States and the West have supported these attacks by the Israeli regime. Although many United Nations aid and health organizations have warned about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, the United States and Western countries, with their full support for the crimes of the Zionist regime, claim that a ceasefire in Gaza will only benefit Hamas.

G7 foreign ministers, including US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, said in a statement on Wednesday that they support a humanitarian pause in the conflict in Gaza, but refused to call for a ceasefire.

So far, more than 1.5 million Palestinians have been displaced by the military operations and the Zionist regime in the last month and have fled their homes in Gaza. However, the Zionist regime does not consider any of these cases and constantly emphasizes that it will continue the war until the complete destruction of Hamas.

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publisher Fars news agency
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