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Netanyahu: Ceasefire is surrender to Hamas

Acknowledging that “ceasefire is surrender to Hamas”, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime claimed about the objectives of the occupiers to continue attacks on the Gaza Strip: We are not seeking to occupy Gaza; A civilian government should be formed so that we are not attacked again.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, in the middle of the claims of the American authorities about the Zionist regime’s agreement to establish a “humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime Benjamin Netanyahu called this ceasefire ” Surrendering to Hamas.

According to the report of the Palestinian news agency “Shahab”, Netanyahu admitted last night, November 10: We have defined our goals in the Gaza Strip. We have done it, but the timetable for them has not been determined and the operation may take more time. : We are not looking to occupy Gaza, but we want to transfer its government to a civilian authority with the deployment of a reliable military force that will enter the Gaza Strip if necessary.

“John Kirby”, the spokesman of the National Security Council of the White House, had acknowledged last night on Thursday: Israel has agreed to implement a daily 4-hour pause in the war in northern Gaza; These interruptions will be announced 3 hours before the start.

Minutes after Kirby’s claim, an Israeli army official clarified that “no ceasefire has been established in Gaza and there are only tactical and local interruptions to deliver humanitarian aid.” ».

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publisher Fars news agency
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