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Erdogan: Israel should immediately release the Palestinian prisoners

Turkish President stated that Hamas does not seek to hold captive Zionists hostage, and said that bad days await the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said today (Friday) that bad days are waiting for Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the interim Zionist regime.

Erdogan said during a speech at the Economic Development and Cooperation Organization meeting: “Turkey will try to increase pressure on Israel with the aim of ensuring the safe exit of Palestinian wounded from Gaza.” With the cooperation of other countries, we are taking measures to provide ambulances, food, water and medicine to Gaza. not, he clarified: “But Israel must quickly release the Palestinians in its prisons, and Hamas will do the same.” We carefully plan the steps we will take after the ceasefire and create formulas to establish lasting peace.” According to this report, Erdogan stated that Turkey’s goal is to guarantee a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. He added: “We are taking all the necessary measures for this. Turkey is ready to receive Palestinian wounded and patients suffering from chronic diseases in its hospitals for treatment.

According to Anatoly, he continued: America discussed the possibility of daily passage of 500 trucks of humanitarian aid to Gaza.” 70% of Israelis are against him.

Earlier, Erdogan stated that the priority now is a complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in order to achieve stability in the region, and said that the Zionists have a month They are committing crimes in Gaza. (more details)

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publisher Fars news agency
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