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Sadr al-Husseini in an interview with Fars: The Islamic Peace Guard military force should be formed in Gaza

The expert on West Asian issues, explaining the issues that should be emphasized in the statement of the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Riyadh, suggested that Muslim countries form a peacekeeping military force in Gaza in order to defend the defenseless people of Gaza.

According to the foreign policy group of Fars news agency, it has been a month and several days since the crimes of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip and the genocide of the Zionists in this area. The attacks that have been carried out in the occupied territories by Hamas and the Palestinian resistance groups in response and under the pretext of the Al-Aqsa storm operation. In this regard, an extraordinary meeting of the executive committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was held in Jeddah on October 26 to stop these crimes and investigate the situation in Palestine, and a meeting of heads of Muslim countries is scheduled to be held in Riyadh at the beginning of the week.

be issued, he said: It seems that this statement can be effective when Islamic countries take effective action in relation to the boycott of the products made by the Zionist regime and the boycott of this regime, especially in the field of energy. In the statement, the crimes of the Zionist regime, which have continued continuously for the past month, and as a result of which more than 11,000 people of Gaza were martyred, two-thirds of them were children and women.

Sadr al-Husseini called the trial of the leaders of the Zionist regime and the military commanders of this regime among the issues that should be addressed in the aforementioned statement.

He also said that the meeting of the leaders The Organization of Islamic Cooperation can determine the special position of the heads of Islamic countries among the people of the world, whether they can defend their humanity and their fellow believers, and this is considered a great test for the heads of Islamic countries.

This expert on regional issues reminded: If the establishment of a ceasefire, which is the demand of public opinion, is not achieved before this meeting is held, it should be mentioned in the final statement of the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation that the Islamic countries are with the people of Gaza in the field of defense. and consider the people of Gaza and this region as their people and their land, and come in line with all-round support for the people of Gaza.

In explaining this issue, he pointed to the rapid formation of peacekeeping military forces from Islamic countries and their deployment in Gaza and its surroundings and added: This is an urgent and effective measure to prevent the continuation of crimes. The Zionist regime and the support of the West for this regime. Each of the Islamic countries must designate a number of military forces to maintain the peace and prevent military operations along with the United Nations peacekeeping forces and be present in Gaza and around this area, and in fact an attack on the people of Gaza will be interpreted as an attack on the Muslim people. In this way, the Zionist regime will no longer have the courage to have a military confrontation with the military forces of Muslim countries who are in charge of keeping the peace. These forces should send their forces through Egypt and other countries and enter Gaza by opening the Rafah crossing. The people of Gaza should not be given.

end of message/m


publisher Fars news agency
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