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Hakim in an election rally: The end of the Gaza war will be hard and bitter for the usurping Zionist regime

The leader of Iraq’s national wisdom movement stated that the Zionist regime has not smelled humanity, and emphasized that the end of the Gaza war will be hard and bitter for this usurping regime.

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Syed Ammar Hakim”, the leader of the national wisdom movement In a speech at the election meeting of the “National Government Forces” coalition, Iraq stated about the developments in Palestine: In the conditions of the war that is going on against the Palestinian nation in Gaza and the West Bank, we cannot avoid mentioning the Palestinian issue, an issue that has a painful and unhealed wound in the conscience of the Arab nation. and Islamic and the world is free.

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He continued: This encroachment and aggression of the Zionist usurping regime must end and its end will undoubtedly be hard and bitter for this usurping regime. The wound of dignity must be healed one day and the right to the rightful.

The leader of Iraq’s national wisdom stream stated that the whole world is calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza today, even the supporters of the Zionist regime want this, and about the continuation of the attacks. They warn, but Israel’s ignorance prevents it from listening to the voice of peace and the call for peace and dialogue. Hakim continued: The Zionist regime is killing children and women and depriving the people of Gaza of water, food and medicine. And the fuel continues and they consciously and brutally target hospitals, schools, mosques, and churches, and in this way, they show such brutality that it does not smell of humanity and only tells about the hatred and malice of their base goals.

According to the report of the National Wisdom Movement media office, he emphasized that our support and standing by the Palestinian nation is not born of this moment, but is rooted in the hearts of the Iraqi nation and in their minds and consciences, and no one has the right to bargain with us in this regard. Because this is a matter of dignity and right.

The leader of Iraq’s national wisdom movement stated that the action of the supreme authority of Hazrat Grand Ayatollah Sistani (Dam Zaleh) and the actions of the government of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, as well as political and social forces and media institutions The country expressed this solidarity and standing consciously and without compliments with the Palestinian nation, which is the most appropriate action, which is based on a correct understanding of the events in the region. Hakim further added that everyone should interact with these conditions and The evaluation of the desired position should be subject to the decision and choice of the Iraqi government, which is the legitimate representative of the Iraqi nation and the only one responsible for protecting the supreme interests of Iraq and expressing the position of the Iraqi nation regarding the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation. He said to the resistance brothers, we send greetings to our brothers in the resistance front against the Israeli occupation. Also, we send our greetings to those who are steadfastly patient in the face of suffering in Gaza and we ask God for mercy for the martyrs.

The achievements of the current government are the result of the formation of the “Adarat al-Dawlah” coalition and the support of Iraqi political forces

Hakim also said regarding the upcoming provincial council elections in Iraq: Elections and ballot boxes in democratic federal Iraq are a red line that one has the right to attack or fail to implement. It does not exist, and one should seriously stand against any fraud in it and deal decisively and without any delay with the attempt to scare the people and prevent their right to participate in the elections.

He went on to explain the priorities and fundamental national rules of the “National Government Forces” coalition in the fields of citizenship rights, economy and services, attracting large economic capital, synergy between provinces, political and social stability and security in the provinces, youth empowerment, fighting corruption and narcotics and organized crimes and pay attention to all sections of the society.

The leader of Iraq’s national wisdom stream emphasized: We are in the “national government forces” coalition to establish a stable relationship between the central government and local governments with the right to financial rights. And we will try according to the laws of the provinces.

He emphasized that without conscious policy making and without a proper understanding of the country’s national interests and the strategic risks that our beloved homeland is facing, it is not possible to create a stable economy. Therefore, regardless of the results of the elections, I call for a comprehensive national agreement among all national political forces, in which economic priorities are determined with a clear mechanism and a binding timetable. The achievements of the current government were the result of the formation of the Adara Al-Dawlah coalition and the support and assistance of all the country’s political forces in the implementation of the government’s program, and it is necessary to repeat this successful political experience in all provinces. Hakim further added. : The strength of the “National Government Forces” coalition and what distinguishes it from other groups is the characteristic of moderation, cooperation with others, having friendly relations with the inside and outside, and it will use all these characteristics in the service of the provinces.

End message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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