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Dawn News: 80% of Afghans transferred to the border to be deported from Pakistan have valid residency documents

Pakistani media announced that more than 80% of Afghans transferred to the border to be deported from Pakistan have valid residence documents and most of them do not want to leave Pakistan voluntarily.

– International News

According to the regional office report of Tasnim News Agency

, the Pakistani publication “Dawn News” announced that more than 80 percent of Afghans who have been transferred to transit centers for deportation from Pakistan have some kind of valid identification documents, and most of them do not want to return to their country voluntarily.

The report adds that Pakistani officials at transit centers have no mechanism to verify their identification documents including Afghan Citizenship Cards (ACC), Proof of Registration (PoR) cards and even do not have a computerized national identity (CNIC); Therefore, they have requested to send forces to these centers so that they can verify the documents. Pakistani officials also confiscate valid cards of Afghan nationals and then transfer them to transit centers for deportation.

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According to the Pakistani authorities, only Afghans “completely without document” and “legal but willing to go” to be returned to their country.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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