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Hamas member: The casualties of the Israeli army are many times the announced statistics/ We will bury the occupiers in the sands of Gaza

Osama Hamdan, one of the leaders of the Hamas movement, emphasized that the casualties of the Zionist regime’s army are several times the statistics announced by this regime.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Osama Hamdan, one of the leaders of Hamas, in a press conference in Beirut said: “The resistance still dominates the square and will never allow the occupiers to remain in Gaza, but will either expel them or bury them in the sands of Gaza.” “>Islamic Jihad: Zionist soldiers can’t get off their armored vehicles/we will confront any occupying force in Gaza

Hakim in an election rally: the end of the Gaza war will be hard and bitter for the Zionist regime

He pointed out that we can say with confidence that the number of casualties of the Israeli army is many times the announced figures. >

He said that the Palestinian nation has started the path of liberation and return to regain all its inviolable rights. Foreigners should oppose Palestinian issues.

He added that we ask the participants of the Arab summit to activate all forms of sanctions against the Nazi-Zionist terrorist regime.

Hamdan clarified that Arab and Islamic countries They have trump cards and tools at their disposal that can deal with American pressure

Bassim Naeem, one of the leaders of Hamas: Arab and Islamic countries should put pressure on America to stop aggression in Gaza

We know the gradual killing of the sick, wounded and children.

Naeem stressed that the occupation forces have committed 1130 killings against the people of Gaza, the last of which took place today on Salah al-Din road against the refugees.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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