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Lavrov: Western efforts to push Russia out of the Caucasus are futile

The Russian Foreign Minister stressed on Sunday that the West’s efforts to push Russia out of the Caucasus and Central Asia are futile.

According to Fars International News Agency, the Russian Foreign Minister said on Sunday that the European Union has not hidden its plans to expel Russia from Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

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According to the news agency “Tas”, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated in Moscow: “The European Union intends to restrain Russia in any way possible and expel us. It does not hide from Central Asia and South Caucasus. These efforts are futile. We have historically been here and will not disappear anywhere. Both our partners and allies are well aware of this.” Lavrov said about the article published after French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Kazakhstan In it, Kazakhstan was called “Putin’s backyard”, saying that Western leaders allow themselves to make completely stupid statements.

According to analysts, Kazakhstan is The huge uranium resources have attracted the attention of Macron. This country has 12% of the world’s uranium resources and has produced about 21,800 tons of uranium in 2021. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan criticized the European Union and the United States for interfering in the peace talks between Yerevan and Baku. He accused the security of the Caucasus region through diplomatic attacks and attempts to suppress agreements between Russia, Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Lavrov emphasized that Moscow has neither the opportunity nor the need to He sees the development of dialogue with the West in the South Caucasus. The head of the Russian diplomatic service said: “We see what goals the West pursues in the South Caucasus. It does not hide them, and its goal is to isolate Russia from the region.” Lavrov stated that the West is using several non-governmental organizations in the South Caucasus to prepare the ground for color revolutions. provides financial support.

end of message/.


publisher Fars news agency
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