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The 14th meeting of the foreign relations coordination headquarters on the topic of using Iranians abroad

The 14th meeting of the Foreign Relations Coordination Headquarters was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the agenda of “How to use the capacity of Iranians abroad in the field of economic relations”.

– International News

According to the foreign policy group Tasnim news agency, the fourteenth The meeting of the headquarters of the coordination of foreign economic relations this year was chaired by Mehdi Safari, the Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the agenda of “How to use the capacity of Iranians abroad in the field of economic relations”, examining the latest state of economic relations and holding the 19th Joint Economic Commission with Cuba and The evaluation of the latest situation of the country’s border bazaars was held.

At the beginning of this meeting, the Director General of the Supreme Council of Iranians Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke to the capacity of Iranians abroad in the field of investment and The economic development of the country was carried out through the pursuit of plans such as the design of a joint investment fund, providing incentives for the investment of Iranians abroad and using the scientific and technological capabilities of Iranians.

He pointed to the complexities in this path and listed the coordination of all relevant institutions and devices in its implementation to achieve this goal.

In the continuation of the meeting, Mehdi Safari explained the importance of relations with Cuba and holding the 19th meeting of the joint commission, and addressed the issue of the visits of high officials and the significant capacities of cooperation between the two countries and referring to important documents and projects between the two countries. In the fields of mining, issuing technical engineering services, commercial cooperation, etc., he emphasized the necessity of the institutions to follow up and implement these documents and projects.

Referring to the role of border bazaars in the development of exports and creating employment and income for the border areas, the Deputy Minister of Economic Diplomacy asked the relevant institutions to provide the necessary follow-up and assistance in order to remove the obstacles facing the border bazaars in order to facilitate exports and promote the activities of these bazaars.

Meeting for the signing of economic and commercial cooperation documents between Iran and Afghanistan
Held a meeting of the Foreign Economic Relations Coordination Headquarters on the subject of the President’s trip to Africa

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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