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Amir Abdullahian in a conversation with the Egyptian Foreign Minister: Cairo should open the Rafah crossing

Regarding the details of his conversation with his Egyptian counterpart in Riyadh, the Foreign Minister of our country wrote: In Riyadh, I told the Foreign Minister, Mr. Sameh Al-Shakri; “Today is our test day and Egypt is expected to open the Rafah crossing to send water, medicine, food and fuel to Gaza”.

– International News – Hossein Amir Abdollahian, our country’s foreign minister, wrote about his meeting with Egypt’s foreign minister in Riyadh on his personal page on the X program: In Riyadh, I told the foreign minister, Mr. Sameh al-Shakri, that today is our test day and Egypt is expected to use the Rafah crossing to send water, medicine, open food and fuel to Gaza.

He also wrote: The Israeli regime collapsed on October 7 and is now alive with American artificial respiration.

Iranian foreign minister stated: What the world is witnessing is the full-scale war of America against Gaza.

The meeting of the heads of Islamic countries last Saturday and Arabic about the developments in Gaza was held in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The participants in this meeting stressed the necessity of breaking the siege of Gaza and forcing the entry of humanitarian aid convoys, including food and medicine. And the fuel of the Gaza Strip belongs to the Zionist regime and emphasized urgently.

The participants in this meeting strongly condemned the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime and emphasized that there should never be a revenge war. Joyaneh described the Zionist regime as legitimate defense or justified it in any way. and Arabic at the request of Mr. Raisi, who of course had this request three weeks ago, and with the help of the Saudi authorities and the invitation of the heads of the countries, it was held in Riyadh on Saturday.

He added: Mr. President, in addition to the clear and frank speech that led to the 10 practical solutions they presented in the meeting, he also had 9 meetings with the heads of some countries, including the President of Egypt, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and the heads of the Nigerian countries. , Mauritania and some other countries had.

Amir Abdullahian continued: In these meetings, the main focus of the discussion is on the Palestinian issue and ways out of this issue, and at the same time stronger support for the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. Was.

Amir Abdullahian’s Instagram report on holding an emergency meeting of heads of Islamic and Arab countries

Amir Abdullahian: The summit of Islamic countries is supposed to have a strong message for the warmongers in the region

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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