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Developments in Ukraine Kiev’s reaction to the proposal to cede territories to Russia/the possibility of choosing Zalogeny instead of Zelensky

Zelensky’s attempt to contact Trump, the disclosure of the number of military forces of the Ukrainian army, the readiness of France and Germany to resume contacts with Moscow, the comparison of the conflict in Ukraine with the Korean War, and the possibility of choosing Commander Zalogeny to replace Zelensky, are some of the most important events surrounding the war.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Mikhail Podoliak”, advisor to the head of the president’s office Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy emphasized, what Ukraine needs are not proposals to cede part of its territory to join NATO, but significant military aid and equipment to win the war. Telegram itself (sarcastically) said: “I love the occasional weird proposal to “resolve the conflict in Ukraine”. For example, sometimes you can hear amazing suggestions that apparently Ukraine can easily join NATO if it cedes parts of its territory to Russia!” Podoliak also wondered why. Such proposals should be presented to Ukraine without any guarantees, he added: the only solution to the conflict is significant military-technological aid to Ukraine. In order to resolve the conflict, it must cede part of its territory to Russia.

A few days ago, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Secretary General of NATO, suggested that Ukraine be admitted to NATO within its new borders.

Some American TV channels also pointed to the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is approaching a point where Kiev will have to start negotiations with Moscow and agree to give territorial concessions. According to some American experts, if Kiev refuses to negotiate peace with Russia, Ukraine may also lose Kharkov and Odessa. For this reason, in order to stop the conflict, Ukraine would have to give up a significant part of its eastern regions.

In early November, some reports revealed that the United States was holding preliminary talks on Ukraine with the aim of It has begun to convince Vladimir Zelensky, the president of this country, to start peace talks. According to this information, in addition to the pressure from within and from the political and military forces on Zelensky, diplomatic pressure from leading international partners will also be applied to him, so Ukraine will finally have to negotiate with Russia.

In the meantime, Zelensky and his entourage continue to insist on the decisiveness of their positions regarding the absence of any compromise with Moscow. And follow the eighth day of the war in Ukraine:


Revelation of Zelensky’s attempt to contact Trump

In early November, Zelensky invited Trump to Kiev in an interview with NBC. He believes that he can explain to the former president of the United States in 24 minutes that a peaceful solution cannot be achieved in 24 hours. Of course, Donald Trump rejected such a conversation and noted that such an action would contradict the actions of the Biden administration. Russian diplomat: The claim of a threat to Ukraine from Russia is fake. /p>

Dmitry Polyansky, the first deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, this morning, Monday, in a conversation with Novosti news agency, emphasized that Russia has never threatened Ukraine and that the claims of the Kiev authorities in this regard are contrary to reality and It’s just a figment of their minds and a bad publicity move.

This diplomat said: We have never threatened Ukraine as a country, we have never threatened the people of Ukraine and we will not. I think the threat from Russia is a very, very bad Western propaganda invention that if Ukraine stops fighting, this country will cease to exist. “I don’t know where they actually got it from.”

Polyansky recalled that Russia has always had a very friendly attitude towards its Ukrainian neighbors, but the events of 2014 had a negative impact on Moscow’s relations with Kiev.

At the same time, Deputy Permanent Representative He emphasized: Russia has enough leverage to win the military conflict and achieve its goals. Pointing out that the counter-attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces contrary to the expectations of the Western countries, “simply put, there has been no progress”, added: there were many expectations of the Ukrainian counter-attack, which were not fulfilled due to the correct performance of the Russian armed forces and actually failed. It has eaten.

Polyansky: The world will remember that Ukraine and Canada appreciate Nazism

Dmitry Polyansky, first deputy permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations In the interview, he also stated that Moscow hopes that the international community will learn “a lot” after the end of the military conflict about the dealings of Ukrainian and Canadian authorities, where Nazis are openly glorified. “I think that after the end of our special operations, the international community will know a lot about what is really happening in Ukraine and Canada, as well as in some other countries, where it is obvious from colleagues,” he told Novosti news agency. “The Nazis will be glorified, they will learn.” Poliansky added that when the world’s public thinks more deeply about these issues, many secrets will be revealed that will be uncomfortable for most Canadians. He reminded that the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has become hostage to neo-Nazi ideology and Canada has sheltered many Nazi officials. France plans to stop the transfer of weapons from its arsenal to Ukraine. /strong>

Sébastien LeCorneau, Minister of the French Armed Forces, announced last night in an interview with the LCI TV channel, that the French authorities intend to refuse to transfer military weapons from their arsenal to Ukraine and hope that by using From the budget allocated for this, encourage Kiev to buy new weapons from French companies.

He said: “We are now negotiating with our Ukrainian colleagues to force Anhal to buy new military weapons using the funds of a special fund, and the French army will no longer have to transfer weapons from its arsenal.” “

Sébastien LeCorneau emphasized that Paris’s military aid to Kyiv has now reached 3 billion euros and 200 million euros have been allocated from the French budget to the Ukraine support fund. According to him, France is active in two areas of support: providing air defense and equipment for ground forces, which includes artillery and heavy transport vehicles.

Lecorneau admitted that the Kiev counteroffensive is “hardly progressing.” “And Ukraine may need more troops than the Russian military to maintain its position on the frontline.

Talks between Paris and Moscow have always been useful

Sebastien LeCorneau, Minister of the French Armed Forces, announced in his televised interview that the country expressed its readiness to resume contacts with Russia if they are effective and useful, because talks between the heads of the defense departments of the two countries are always possible. It has prevented the escalation of tension between them in difficult moments.

Lecorneau said: “A series of conversations allowed us to contain the escalation in a very sensitive moment. In general, the nuclear powers have special obligations towards each other and should talk to each other.” The French Defense Minister added that in several meetings with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu, the two sides discussed “very specific issues in Area of ​​resolution of potential escalation” exchanged views which was useful. He continued: “I have not spoken to the minister since then. But if I know that such a conversation will be useful and effective, I am ready to talk to him again.” German Chancellor Schulz has claimed that he is ready to continue talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He said in an interview: “Now in this situation, you have to talk to him (Putin) many times, which I did in the past and I am ready to do again in the future.” Now, according to him, negotiations between Ukraine and Russia require the withdrawal of Russian forces, which, according to Shultz, Putin is not ready for.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov believes that the escalation of rhetoric by European officials about Ukraine’s membership in the European Union is just a “political game”. Lavrov last night in an interview with the TV documentary program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” reminded that for him personally, the actualization of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union remains a mystery.

He pointed out that Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, has recently been talking more about Kyiv’s membership, adding that the European Union is preparing “some recommendations” and admits that Ukraine is the most It has not met the entry criteria, while the leadership of Ukraine demands unconditional acceptance into the Union.

The foreign minister continued: I hardly understand the connection between these issues. In my opinion, this is only a political game and a continuation of the policy that the European Union followed after the disappearance of the Soviet Union, when all criteria were abandoned.

He reminded: during the accession period To the European Union, the Baltic states also did not meet many conditions, but “the political interest prevailed and they were accepted.” Lavrov added: “The European Union has long become an understandable forum for me.” has been Serbia and Turkey, who have been waiting in line for decades, have also raised questions. But in my opinion, Turkey has already decided for itself and does not want to enter this useless and useless alliance.

Sergei Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in another part of his interview with the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin emphasized that the European Union cannot remove Russia from Central Asia and the Caucasus. He said: “The European Union intends to restrain us in every possible way, to expel us from Central Asia.” And Transcaucasia does not hide. Our partners and allies in the region are well aware of this,”

In early November, the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that Western countries are trying to get closer to Moscow’s partners in the Central Asian region. Russia has taken measures to protect its relations with the countries of the region against the actions of the West. Former NATO commander: Ukraine must accept the loss of territories. >

Admiral James Stavridis, the former commander of NATO’s armed forces in Europe, expressed his opinion in an article for the Bloomberg news agency on Sunday that the end of the military conflict in Ukraine may be similar to the scenario of the end of the war on the Korean Peninsula, which means the recognition Kiev is concerned about losing its territories, at least for a limited time. The former NATO military official said: “We probably have to live with the fact that the Crimean peninsula and some areas are under Moscow’s control, at least for a while.” let’s get along However, everyone will hate this result.” Stavridis added: “Even Russia will not like this result, because it will not receive all of Ukraine, but only a few areas under the control of its military in the east and south. Eastern, which will not be “a worthy prize” for Moscow. Stavridis believes, however, that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev will end like the Korean War. Besides, the sooner the war stops, the faster Ukraine will be rebuilt. According to him, like South Korea, this country should ask for serious help from the West for reconstruction, so that it can grow in terms of population and economy in the future. Ukrainian military official: 1.3 million people in the army now. Ukrainians are serving

Vladislav Seleznyov, the former head of the press service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, revealed on Sunday in a television interview that currently, 1.3 million people are in the armed forces. Ukraine are serving. He said: “1.3 million personnel serve in the defense forces of Ukraine, and all of them need weapons and ammunition.” Seleznev did not explain whether this information is his personal assessment or refers to official data.

According to this former military official, the capability of Ukraine’s defense industry does not meet the needs of the entire army of this country, and for this reason, Kiev’s western partners should cooperate seriously in supplying the army with weapons.

A few days ago The New York Times wrote that Ukraine is trying to recruit a large number of women into the ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces, which represents a heavy toll among military personnel. 16- to Kiev this winter

David Petraeus, the former head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), announced yesterday, Sunday, that the armed forces of Ukraine may use F fighters this winter. – Receive 16 Americans. He said in an interview: “The supply of F-16 fighters, which the Ukrainian Air Force will probably receive this winter, will be very important.” Petraeus expressed confidence that Ukrainian pilots They can quickly master new technology and switch from MiG and Su aircraft to American fighters.

Previously, in early November, Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said. that Ukrainian pilots are training to fly US-made F-16 fighters in the sky with the help of Western trainers.

Developments in Ukraine| Widespread use of women in the ranks of Ukrainian forces due to heavy casualties
Developments Ukraine The deepening of differences in Kiev and the possibility of removing the commander in chief of the army
Ukraine developments| Zelensky’s intention to change the war/Kief strategy should not depend only on America

Former CIA agent: British intelligence services chose Zalogny instead of Zelensky

Larry Johnson, a former officer of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) revealed in an interview on Sunday that the British intelligence services have chosen the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zalogeny, as a replacement for the current president of this country, Volodymyr Zelensky.

The American expert said: “British intelligence knows that Zelensky, this little comedian, is no longer useful and that in the current situation someone like Zalogeny is needed to play a more important role.”

Furthermore, , he recalled that they had decided to find a replacement for Zelensky because the military conflict with Russia had failed for foreign intelligence services and Zelensky was unwilling to negotiate with Moscow. They hope Zalogny will have the courage to compromise.

They are sending a signal to Zelensky that his time is up, said the former CIA agent.

Ukraine’s armed forces support Zalogeny’s candidacy for the presidency of Ukraine. On Sunday, Dmitry Marchenko, the major general of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, spoke in favor of the candidacy of Commander-in-Chief Valery Zalogeny for the post of president of this country. He also expressed his desire to cooperate with him in his leadership team.

This high-ranking military official in a television interview answered the question that if Zalogeni participates in the election campaign, he is ready to be the deputy commander in chief of the forces. “No. I will join Zalogeni’s leadership team,” he said. He also emphasized that he would “really like” to see Zalogheni run for the presidency.

The presenter also expressed his opinion that there is evidence that Ukraine now needs a “military president” and “someone with experience like [French military general] Charles de Gaulle” who will lead the country on the basis of decisive military principles. lead and defeat corruption. Marchenko agreed with the moderator’s point of view.

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