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American officials: The Israeli army has limited time to operate in Gaza

American officials: The Israeli army has limited time to operate in Gaza

According to the Fars News Agency International Group, the New York Times reported on Friday morning, quoting American officials, that the Israeli regime has limited time to carry out its operations in Gaza.

A senior Biden administration official asked Israeli authorities to do more to reduce civilian casualties. General Charles Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday that he is concerned that every civilian killed in Gaza could help recruit Hamas members in the future. interpreted as a sign of differences between Israel and the Biden administration. Despite the increase in civilian casualties in Gaza, America has declared its support for the actions of the Zionist regime’s army.

The Israeli regime launched attacks after the Hamas operation on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of 1,400 people. It has begun its offensive in Gaza and has declared its military goal to destroy Hamas.

Several officials in the Biden administration have said that the longer Israel’s operations continue, the more likely the scope of the war will expand. increase. In addition, several American officials have said that Israel’s strong response to Hamas attacks has led to an increase in worldwide sympathy for the Palestinian cause. According to the New York Times, the more Israeli operations If it continues, the possibility of America and Israel becoming more isolated will increase, due to the increase in requests from countries around the world for a cease-fire. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that there will be no ceasefire until the release of all prisoners from Hamas.

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publisher Fars news agency
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