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Ukraine: Russia is using guided bombs against our targets

The spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force said on Wednesday that the Russian army has the capacity to launch 100 bombs per day, and that the Ukrainian army must be equipped with air defenses and advanced fighters to counter the Russian jets.

According to the report of the International Fars News Agency, the spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force said on Wednesday that the Russian army has the capacity to launch 100 bombs per day, and the Ukrainian army is capable of countering the jets. Russia should be equipped with advanced air defense.

According to the “Defense Express” website, “Yuri Ignat”, the spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force, said that Russia strongly uses guided aerial bombs to target Ukrainian positions. Kilometers from the launch site to the target are dangerous.

Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Tuesday that the MiG-31 fighters This country carried out an exercise to intercept the air targets of the supposed enemy over the Barents Sea. MiG-31 fighter jets of the Russian Northern Air and Space Fleet practiced interception of hypothetical enemy aircraft at an altitude of more than 13,000 meters above the Barents Sea.

MIG 31-31 is one of the fighters that the NATO alliance is closely monitoring because it can carry different types of missiles. The Russian defense has stated that the MiG-31 fighters carried out an airspace surveillance mission in the sense of identifying an aerial target near the Russian air border over the Barents Sea.

In another development, French Defense Minister Sebastien LeCorneau said that the country plans to include another 200 million euros in its aid package to Ukraine in the war with Russia to meet the country’s weapons needs. Under the influence of this support of 200 million euros, the Ukrainian army is allowed to continue buying military equipment from France for the war with Russia.

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publisher Fars news agency
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