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Canadian Prime Minister did not call for a ceasefire in Gaza

Instead of calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Canada’s prime minister called for what he called a “significant humanitarian pause” in the strip.

According to Fars News Agency, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an interview called for a “significant humanitarian break” in Gaza with the aim of “freeing all Jewish prisoners, foreign citizens from Gaza.” and real, significant and sufficient aid should be delivered”.

The western allies of the Zionist regime, despite the demonstrations of the people of their countries in support of the ceasefire in Gaza and observing the continuation of the crimes of this regime in this area They still oppose the ceasefire, but on the other hand, in order to make a humanitarian gesture, they have called for what they call a “humanitarian pause” in Gaza. “I don’t need to describe the terrible events,” he said in a conversation with reporters. We want to implement a significant humanitarian pause that will allow us to release all Jewish prisoners and continue the withdrawal of foreign citizens from Gaza.” Trudeau continued: “This pause must be allowed to be delivered. give significant and real help; The aid that is sufficient to alleviate this disgusting humanitarian crisis for the people and citizens in Gaza. Jahan condemns what he calls the “horrific increase in anti-Semitism globally and in Canada and the rise of Islamophobia.” called “two states” for the Palestinian issue.

Trudeau raised these positions while speaking to his Zionist counterpart during a phone call with “Benjamin Netanyahu” a few days ago. He assured that he supports the regime’s right to defend itself “in accordance with international law”. Against the positions of the Zionists, he had condemned the conversation with Netanyahu and Hamas operations, and had condoled with Netanyahu for the death of the Zionists. The death of thousands of Palestinian women and children has not affected him and his western partners, including the United States and England.

Reports indicate that Trudeau is also one of the signatories of the joint statement of the leaders of several countries that The Zionists have been given the right to defend themselves, and in a contradictory act, at the same time, they have emphasized the need to protect the lives of civilians.

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publisher Fars news agency
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