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Iran called the anti-Iranian statement of the foreign ministers of the Group of 7 “baseless and rejected”.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the false claims of the statement of the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting against Iran, stated: What was expected of the G7 was to fulfill its international responsibility, including condemning the actions of the Zionist regime that violate human rights in Gaza.

– International news

According to the foreign policy node Tasnim news agency, Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of our country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rejected and strongly condemned the allegations contained in the joint statement of the Group of 7 foreign ministers and the joint statement of the meeting of the foreign and defense ministers of Japan and England on the sidelines of the meeting of the Group of 7 foreign ministers in Tokyo.

Kanaani said: As has been announced many times, nuclear weapons have no place in the military doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Iran’s nuclear goals and program are completely peaceful, and in this regard, Iran fulfills all its obligations. and this issue has been confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency many times. West Asia has always been in the direction of stability and security in this region, he added: historical evidence and current experiences show that the military presence of extra-regional countries has been one of the most important factors and elements of creating insecurity and fueling instability in this region. p style=”text-align:justify”>Kanaani also said in response to the false and ridiculous claims contained in the aforementioned statement regarding the resistance groups in Palestine and Lebanon and the irrelevant demands from the Islamic Republic of Iran: Since the beginning of the current crisis in Gaza, the Republic Islamic Iran has started non-stop efforts to stop the military attacks of the aggressor Zionist regime on Gaza and save the lives of its defenseless citizens and residents, which is still ongoing.

He continued: It is surprising and regrettable that the founders of the occupation of the land of the Palestinian nation and the creators of the fake Israeli regime and the full-fledged supporters of the Zionist war crimes against the oppressed Palestinian people. It is placed in the position of the claimant and by changing the position of the oppressor and the oppressed, they accuse the Palestinian resistance and liberation groups of extremism and creating instability and tension in the region.

Kanaani added : usurpation of the land of the Palestinian nation, mass killings and genocide of the residents and owners of Palestine, destruction of people’s houses and farms, attacks on religious and Islamic places, hospitals and medical centers and their destruction, infanticide, arrest and torture of men and women and even children, humiliation And insulting the dignity of the Palestinian nation and dozens and hundreds of actions that violate human rights and international law are only a part of the crimes that the occupation regime of Al-Quds has committed against the oppressed people of Palestine and is still continuing.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added: What was expected from the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Group of 7 in Tokyo was to fulfill its international responsibility, including condemning the actions that violate human rights and international law of the Zionist regime in Gaza, stop supporting war crimes and Genocide in Gaza and efforts to immediately and unconditionally end the military attacks and lift the blockade of Gaza and free access of its citizens and residents to international humanitarian aid.

Ministry spokesperson The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the claims raised against our country regarding the war in Ukraine, the missile program, drones, non-state actors, maritime security and waterways to be baseless and worthless and stemming from the political goals and motives of these countries.

Kanaani also said: Human rights in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its constitution and other internal laws have a high religious, moral and human status, and the governments that recommend Iran to respect human rights, it is better to review their black records of human rights and also end the shame of supporting infanticide, war crimes and genocide of the Zionist regime in Gaza.

Zionist massive attack on Jenin / Palestinian fighters clashed with Israeli soldiers
Inspection of the latest follow-ups of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the field of Palestinian developments

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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