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Russian diplomat: Instead of talking about the future of Gaza, we should think about saving the present of Gaza

The Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, in response to the words of the US Secretary of State, said: “The international community should think about saving the people living in Gaza now, not about the future of this region after the end of the war.” Let the current conflict speak.”

– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency quoting “Tass” news agency, Vasily Nebenzia, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations last night in a press conference, announced that the international community should save the present of the Gaza Strip, not about the future of the region after the end of the current conflict between Israel and let Palestine speak.

Nebenzia said: “Now is not the right time to discuss the future of Gaza, we have to preserve it, people are being killed now.” This Russian diplomat explained this issue in response to the words of Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, who said that the Palestinian government should lead the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Earlier it was reported that dozens of people were injured as a result of the use of white phosphorus by the Israeli military during the shelling of the Gaza Strip, and a large number of people suffering from breathing problems were admitted to al-Shafa Hospital.

In late October, the head of the Palestinian diplomatic mission at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Ibrahim Kirishi, said that Israel had used banned white phosphorus in attacks on the Gaza Strip. This fact has been confirmed by the international human rights organization, Human Rights Watch. /strong>

Dmitry Polyansky, the first deputy permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations, also announced last night that there is still no progress in reaching an agreement on the text of the resolution related to the conflict. Palestine and Israel’s proposal of ten non-permanent members of the UN Security Council has not been achieved. In response to reporters’ questions, he said: “As far as I know, there is still no agreement on this.” In an interview with Reuters, he said: It is still too early to talk about the possibility of establishing a UN peacekeeping mission in the Gaza Strip. In response to the question, have there been any negotiations with Israel about this issue? He said: “This issue has not been discussed.” Guterres admitted that the UN does not have the power or the means to stop the current genocide in the Gaza Strip, but the platform is trying to find a solution to the current crisis.

Guterres also confirmed yesterday that 92 UN staff have been killed since the start of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. According to him, the number of civilian deaths in the besieged Gaza Strip shows that “something is wrong” in Israel’s military operations.

Earlier, on October 25, the Council The United Nations Security Council rejected a Russian-proposed draft resolution on the Gaza situation that included elements of the Brazilian draft that was not adopted last week. Four countries voted in favor and nine countries abstained. According to Vasily Nebenzia, the permanent representative of Russia, the members of the Security Council did not have the courage to show strategic common sense.

Moscow: Israel to stop killing Gaza civilians/ Security Council opposition to Russia’s resolution on Gaza
Russia held the United States responsible for the attack on the Gaza hospital/ proposed to condemn this action in the Security Council resolution
Security Council Draft Russian Resolution on Gaza did not approve

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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