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Winners and losers of the third Republican debate according to Newsweek

The third preliminary debate of the Republican Party candidates for the 2024 presidential election was held with the absence of Donald Trump three times and the presence of 5 other candidates of this party.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Republican candidates for the 2024 presidential election participated in the third election debate in Miami, Florida. During this debate, some candidates performed better than others and answered the questions of the moderators of this debate. Regarding federal government spending, the issue of Ukraine and China discussed and presented different opinions. The five candidates participating in this debate were Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, Ron DeSantis, the current governor of Florida, Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey, Tim Scott, the senator of South Carolina, and Vivek Ramaswamy.

However, the leading candidate of this competition in the Republican Party did not participate in this debate. Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, who continues to surpass his Republican rivals in the polls, refused to participate in this program as in the previous two debates.

The reason for his disregard for these debates is his high percentage of victory in the presidential elections. Trump’s absence during this debate gave the other candidates a chance to introduce themselves and talk about their plans if they win the presidential election.

Newsweek in He continued to review these comments and who was the main loser and winner of last night’s debate, and wrote as follows:

Israel: the winner

Israel was the main winner of this debate. The candidates supported its positions in the midst of a fierce war against Hamas by Israel. The support of the candidates was raised against the positions of Israel, which has cut off access to water, electricity and food to the people of Gaza since the beginning of its attacks and has expanded its ground attacks in this area.

However, they all supported Israel and gave Netanyahu the full right regarding Netanyahu’s attacks against Hamas and the people of Gaza. In this regard, Nikki Haley said: “All we have to do is tell Israel what to do and our duty is to support them against Hamas.

Ukraine: Loser

Newsweek wrote: Despite the many candidates’ support for Israel, their support for Ukraine strongly It was weak and the matter of supporting this country during the war with Russia was associated with failure. As in the previous debates, all 5 presidential candidates disagreed with each other about the provision of US aid to Ukraine.

In the meantime, more conservative candidates such as Nikki Haley are in favor of continuation. The support was for Ukraine, however, other presidential candidates wanted to limit the US aid to this country. DeSantis also stated that he is not in any way in favor of sending American troops to Ukraine.

Scott also opposed providing a simultaneous aid package to Israel and Ukraine. In the meantime, Ramaswamy took the strongest position against Ukraine and called the president of Ukraine, who is Jewish, a “Nazi”.

– Donald Trump: the winner

Newsweek continued to write Is: In the following, the presenters of the debate asked the candidates why they think they will be a better president for America than Trump. To answer this question, the candidates repeated the same previous attacks in the previous debates and criticized him for not participating in the debates and said that he caused the largest amount of debt for America. Despite the widespread criticism of Trump by all 5 candidates, it seems that these criticisms did not work very well and after the debate, the polls still showed Trump as the leader of this competition.

– Ramaswamy: The losing candidate

In part of the debate, Nikki Haley criticized Ramaswamy for using the Tik Tok application and said The restrictions imposed on the use of this Chinese application in order to maintain security issues in the United States was a correct action, however, Ramaswamy still refuses and uses Tik Tok.

Meanwhile, Ramaswamy mocked Haley in response and said that his statements against Tik Tok are raised while Haley’s daughter has been using this social platform for some time. Haley had previously stated that Ramaswamy was not and is not in any way fit to be the president of the United States, and again raised these statements against him.

The debate was on the construction of border walls on the northern and southern borders of the United States, which other candidates also talked about, and he did not add anything new about this issue.

– Nikki Haley: The winning candidate

While DeSantis tried to criticize Haley by pointing to her record in China, With the answers he gave, he brought all these accusations back to DeSantis himself. Haley’s statements and positions during the previous two debates have increased the probability that he will get more votes from independent voters.

He also continued to He stood by his principles on issues like Ukraine and abortion. Haley’s comments on banning the Tik Tok app and supporting these restrictions were followed by other Republican candidates due to concerns about China’s actions in accessing personal information in this country.

– Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott: Losing Candidates

According to Newsweek, Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott are at odds with each other on various issues. They entered into a discussion and finally did not reach a definite conclusion. Throughout the debate, DeSantis was only trying to prove that he can defeat Trump in the polls. It was related to social care and insurance. In this regard, Scott pledged that if he wins the presidential election, he will support the social security of the people of this country in the form of various plans.

In addition, Scott Among the talks about pensions, he strongly opposed the increase of the retirement age. Another debate that was noticed during this debate was the opposition to the increase of taxes in the country, which was supported by Chris Christie. /p>





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