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The emphasis of the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Türkiye on deepening the strategic partnership

The presidents of Uzbekistan and Turkey met in the city of “Tashkend” and emphasized on deepening the strategic partnership between the two countries.

According to the Fars news agency reporter in Tashkent, the President of Uzbekistan Shaukat Mirziyoyev and the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who arrived in the city of Tashkent to attend the 16th meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization, met and They emphasized on further deepening of strategic cooperation between the two countries.

In this meeting, further expansion of multilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey and deepening of comprehensive strategic partnership were discussed.

The parties mentioned the increase of mutual relations and exchanges, including commercial exchanges, the number of direct flights and the course of tourism.

In this meeting, it was stated that In Uzbekistan, large investment projects are underway with the participation of prominent Turkish companies. Since the beginning of the year, more than 500 million dollars of direct capital has been attracted and more than 200 new companies have been created. , energy, transportation, education, culture and tourism were emphasized.

In this meeting, the program of future events, including the preparations for the next meeting of the Strategic Cooperation Council of Uzbekistan and Turkey, were discussed.

The heads of the two countries also exchanged views on current issues in the regional agenda.

Turkey is currently considered one of the most important business partners of Uzbekistan in the region. The trade exchange of these two countries in 2022 is at the level of 3 billion and 200 million dollars.

Now more than 1611 joint ventures with the capital of Turkish investors are operating in Uzbekistan. Today in Uzbekistan, with the presence of Turkish companies and banks, large projects are being implemented, including the production of advanced technologies, modernization of energy infrastructure, transportation and telecommunications, military and tourism.

Turkey recognized the country’s independence on December 16, 1991 and established diplomatic relations on March 4, 1992.

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publisher Fars news agency
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