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The strike against Tesla in Sweden also extended to ports

Swedish port workers also joined the strikes against the American Tesla car company in their country and prevented the loading and unloading of these cars in some ports.

– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency quoting “Spiegel” weekly, protests and strikes against the American car company Tesla are increasing in Sweden. In Sweden, port workers prevented the vehicles from being loaded in a dispute over a collective agreement with the American automaker. Most of the strike has been planned in advance.

In this way, the workers of four ports in this country joined the strike against the American car manufacturer Tesla. They blocked loading and unloading of Tesla vehicles in Malmö, Södertäl, Gothenburg and Trelleborg on Wednesday, the Swedish Transport Union announced on Tuesday. In doing so, the union showed solidarity with the IF Metal union, which is demanding a collective agreement at Tesla.

At the beginning of the protests, about 130 workers in ten workshops Tesla stopped working all over Sweden in response to IF Metal’s call. A week later, 470 workers in workshops where cars from various manufacturers are repaired joined the strikers. find Tommy Roth, the leader of the union, said: “Tesla cars will come to a complete stop in all Swedish ports.” The building maintenance workers union also announced measures for the same day. Accordingly, no work will be done on Tesla-related buildings in the three suburbs of Stockholm and in the city of Umea in northern Sweden.

Collective contracts are based on the Swedish labor market model. Is. Almost 90% of all employees in this country have a collective agreement. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has repeatedly rejected workers’ calls to form a union. About 127,000 people worldwide work for the electric car maker.

The head of collective bargaining at IF Metall said: “This conflict over wages, pensions And our members’ insurance, and finally, here is the question of the rules of the game in the Swedish labor market.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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