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Ilham Aliyev at the Karabakh military parade: Azerbaijan does not need a new war

In his speech at the country’s military parade in the center of Karabakh, the President of Azerbaijan stated that Azerbaijan does not need a new war and said: We have achieved what we wanted, restored international laws and established historical justice.

– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, on November 8 (November 17 ), the Republic of Azerbaijan held a military parade in the city of Khankandi on the occasion of Victory Day, which is celebrated in this country. They participated in this parade.

In his speech at this military parade, Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan does not need a new war and said: We have achieved what we wanted, we have restored international laws and We established historical justice.

The president of Azerbaijan emphasized: No matter how many weapons and ammunition you have, no matter how much you use modern military technologies, the one who achieves victory is the soldier and officer with is a weapon He covers his chest and is ready to die and we have shown that. In the most difficult and unfavorable geographical situation, the soldiers and officers of Azerbaijan showed real bravery and bravery by breaking 6 defense lines, crossing more than one million mines and destroying the enemy’s positions located in the hills.

Alif noted: The memory of our beloved martyrs will remain eternal in our hearts and we have shown the strength, determination and indomitable spirit of the Azerbaijani people to the whole world. In other words, we were waiting for this day when we were making preparations. In these 20 years, I had no doubt that this day will come and a military parade under the Azerbaijani flag will be held in the city of Khankandi. Signed December 3, 2020, celebrated. The date commemorates the 44-day recapture of areas controlled by Armenian separatists by the Azerbaijani army in 2020.

The fighting ended on November 10, 2020 with a Russian-brokered ceasefire. 2 days before the ceasefire, on November 8, the Azerbaijani army took control of the city of Shusha, which is very important for this country. The history of the Victory Day is related to this issue.

According to this ceasefire, the seven regions of Karabagh, which surround the area where the Armenian population lives and are under the control of the Armenian separatists, will be controlled. They entered Azerbaijan. At the same time, a group of 2,000 Russian peacekeepers was deployed in the region where the Armenians of Karabakh live, including the city of Khankandi.

On September 19, 2023, the Azerbaijani army conducted a military operation in a region in which the Armenians of Karabagh live. 24 hours after the start of the operation, the Armenian forces surrendered and the Azerbaijani army took full control of the region. In the days after the military operation, approximately 100,000 Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh left the region and moved to Armenia. It is currently reported that few Armenians remain in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of ethnic cleansing. Baku denies these accusations and declares that every Karabakh Armenian who wants to stay in Azerbaijan will be given this opportunity. The government of Azerbaijan pledged to respect the rights of those who decide to stay in this country.

The details of the words of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the military parade of Khankandi in the center of Karabakh are as follows:

“Three years ago, the city of Shusha, the crown of Karabakh, was freed from the clutches of the invaders. One day later, the enemy army surrendered and raised the white flag. Thus, the Second Karabakh War was a complete victory for the Azerbaijani government. This is a historical event.

For many years, the people of Azerbaijan have been trying to free our land from the invaders during the occupation. We brought the holy day closer.

For the first time, when the people of Azerbaijan showed a lot of trust in me, 20 years ago as the president, I promised my beloved people that I would do my best to restore I will protect our territorial integrity. I promised the people of my country both on the eve of the elections and at the inauguration ceremony that the day will come when we will raise the national flag of Azerbaijan in the corners of the occupied territories. I remember that five years ago in September 2018, when I spoke at the military parade held in Baku’s Freedom Square, I said that the day will come when the flag of Azerbaijan will be raised in all the territories that are still under occupation. Today has come.

Our victorious armed forces, who gave us this day, drove the enemy out of our ancient land with bravery, bravery and sacrifice on the battlefield. This is a major historical event. There has never been such a brilliant victory in the centuries-old history of the Azerbaijani people.

Operation Shusha, all other military operations we conducted in 44 days, the bravery of our soldiers is a heroic epic. The soldiers and officers of Azerbaijan displayed true heroism by defeating the enemy on the battlefield and liberating our cities and villages in forty-four days. We didn’t take it. Seeing the professionalism and sacrifice of the Azerbaijani army and the armed forces, the enemy army became more worried, and by their own admission, 12 thousand deserters were present in the Armenian army during the 44-day war. Not a single person from the armed forces of Azerbaijan left the battlefield. This once again showed the indomitable spirit and high moral qualities of the Azerbaijani people to the whole world.

Operation Shusha, of course, has a special place during the 44 days of the Patriotic War. Because the liberation of Shusha, which is located in a very difficult geographical position and is considered an impregnable fortress, with light weapons, in many cases as a result of hand-to-hand combat, required a lot of strength, expertise and sacrifice. The children of Azerbaijan have shown this.

Twenty years ago when I started my work as president, I told my dear people that we should be ready to liberate our lands through war. At that time there were still hopes for peace talks. But over the years, these hopes faded. Armenia did not want to leave our lands of its own accord. The mediators who were involved in the resolution of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan actually tried to freeze the situation, they believed that the people of Azerbaijan would cope with this situation.

But the people of Azerbaijan were never supposed to Let them deal with this situation and I have announced many times that we will not deal with this situation. We will not allow the creation of a second Armenian state on the territory of Azerbaijan, if the negotiations end without results, we will use force to liberate our motherland from the aggressors on the battlefield in accordance with international laws. If the leadership of Armenia and some foreign forces that stood behind it then and today had listened to my words, there would have been no need for the second Karabakh war. I have said that if you do not leave our land, you will meet us on the battlefield, and whoever wants to stand behind you will not be able to divert us from our right path. The 44-day patriotic war showed this once again.

Azerbaijan was under pressure and threats from different places and capitals during forty-four days. But no one could send us away, and I appealed to the people of Azerbaijan during the Patriotic War and said that the enemy should give us the history of the liberation of our lands, then we are ready to stop the war, and this happened after Shusha’s victory. The enemy was practically ready to surrender and a day later he signed the memorandum and we stopped the war. Stopping the war at that time was our conscious choice and the fact that we are holding a military parade today in the central square of Khankandi once again shows how right and wise it was.

I had no doubts then. A day will come when the flag of Azerbaijan will be raised here in the city of Khankandi. The 44-day ceasefire on November 10, 2020 resulted in the return of Aghdam, Kalbjar and Lachin regions to us without firing a shot.

This was part of the memorandum signed by Armenia and It was us. Armenia was forced to fulfill this request. Because on the battlefield, he saw the strength of Azerbaijan’s armed forces and the political will of Azerbaijan’s political leadership. The liberation of Aghdam, Lachin, and Kalbjar regions without firing a shot saved the lives of thousands of our youth. If we had liberated those areas on the battlefield, the number of our martyrs could have been more.

After the second Karabakh war, we accelerated the process of building the army without stopping for a day and it We did not hide it. We immediately moved to all the important points of the Karabagh region. At the same time, we took over the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia, which was under occupation for many years. We have most of the border points of Azerbaijan and Armenia. Why were we doing this? Because we knew that forces were increasing in Armenia.

We knew that the foreign forces standing behind Armenia and inciting them to act against us were again giving them provocative signals. Therefore, we had to protect our border and as a result of several military operations, today the situation on the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia is under our control. It created the conditions that we can have favorable heights in this area as well. At the same time, these operations were a signal to the political leadership of Armenia that you should implement all the provisions of the memorandum and, first of all, withdraw your armed forces from Karabakh, this is your duty.

But we saw the opposite, not only the Armenian armed forces did not withdraw, but on the contrary, more forces were sent. At that time, the Lachin-Khankandi road was not under our control, weapons and mines had been brought, and the political leadership of Armenia did not want to withdraw its armed forces from Karabagh.

Military operations carried out in The past 3 years have greatly improved our strategic position. At the same time, this was a message sent to Armenia that no one and nothing can stop us, Karabagh is the land of Azerbaijan and we dictate the situation here, and you should immediately withdraw your armed forces from our land. If they had listened to me then, there would have been no need for anti-terrorist operations in September. They are the cause of all their problems.

Their problems started not only three years ago, but in the early 1990s. At that time, the ungrateful masses who ate Azerbaijan’s bread and drank Azerbaijan’s water made a territorial claim against Azerbaijan in this square. See, in this building – a building that was built by the government of Azerbaijan at that time – cunning plans against Azerbaijan were prepared.

The cause of the problems of the Armenian people are all those who led Armenia. They believed that they will occupy our lands forever. They themselves believed in it so much, they tried to convince their foreign partners that they have a strong army, strong potential, strong supporters, and Azerbaijan will never dare to liberate the territories by military means. Some of the countries that stand behind them today share this responsibility with them 100%.

We said that we will never deal with this situation and we did not hide it. We have been told several times that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has no military solution. I was saying that if this issue is not resolved peacefully, we have no choice, and unfortunately, the heroism and professionalism we showed during the 44 days did not serve as a lesson for the leadership of Armenia.

The terrorist attack that took place in September lasted only one day and less than that. The Azerbaijani army showed professionalism and heroism, went to all strategic points and in a short period of time determined the fate of events and the enemy army was forced to surrender.

He not only surrendered, even so-called The regime they created in our land 30 years ago ended, that regime also fell, even though it was an illegal regime. So we restored historical justice.

September 20, 2023 will remain in our history like November 8. After Shusha Kemer operation, the enemy army broke and signed the memorandum a day later. On April 23 of this year, we completely restored our territorial integrity by controlling the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the Lachin route, and on September 20, we completely restored the sovereignty of the country.

With this, the book of the separatists was closed. There will be no place for separatism in Azerbaijan. Today, the country of Azerbaijan is under control of all the land, and the reason for this is our brave men and tens of thousands of Azerbaijani soldiers who are standing in this field today. We won this victory at the cost of their blood.

I want to say once again that we have been going to this day for 20 years, preparations were being made, the position of Azerbaijan It was strengthened at the level of international law. As a result of our successful activity at the political level, the whole world has already begun to understand that we are on the right side.

The reforms we made in the economic field allowed us to To build an independent economy, not depend on anyone and build our own life. Strong political will made us able to conduct an independent foreign policy and domestic policy and not allow anyone to interfere in our work. However, there have been many such attempts in history. We have protected our country, our national dignity, our way of life and our traditions so that no one can interfere in our affairs.

Of course, building the army was the first task. Material and technical equipment, weapons and ammunition, increasing the combat power of our army and educating our youth with the spirit of patriotism, these are the main factors of victory.

No matter how many weapons and ammunition you have, every No matter how much modern military technology you use, the one who wins is the soldier and officer with the weapon. He covers his chest, he’s ready to die and we’ve shown that. Azerbaijani soldiers and officers in the most difficult and unfavorable geographical situation by breaking six lines of defense, passing through more than one million mines and destroying the enemy’s positions located in the hills, showed real bravery and bravery.

Of course, having interviewed many foreign media representatives during the 44-day war, I could not talk about our plans. However, the questions were almost repeated. I once said that our work would be incomplete without Shusha. However, even then I knew that without Khankandi and Khojaly, our work would be incomplete. How true it was. However, from that day until September, we tried every day to fully restore the sovereignty of Azerbaijan. On October 15, I raised the flag of Azerbaijan in Aghdara, Asgaran, Khojavand, Khojaly and Khankandi.

Four years ago, the Prime Minister of Armenia arrogantly said: “Karabakh is Armenia, period.” By shedding blood on the battlefield and giving martyrdom, we showed him and his ilk and their supporters that he was on the wrong path.

We showed by fighting, despite everything. that Karabagh is Azerbaijan and today everyone should know that no one can joke with us from now on. If the leadership of Armenia lives with psychotic thoughts, if the countries that are used to manipulation behind Armenia are still making insidious plans for Azerbaijan, let them take a look at today’s parade.

Know that more than A thousand of our brave men are lined up here, and we have more than 100 thousand brave men like them, and no force can threaten us. We are ready for war at any level, we have shown this in the political arena and, if necessary, militarily.

We do not need a new war. We achieved what we wanted, restored international law, restored historical justice, restored our national honor and showed our position to the enemy.

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