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Hamas: The Zionist regime is suffering blows that it could not imagine even in its worst nightmares

Osama Hamdan, one of the leaders of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, announced: We tell the Palestinian nation that your resistance will continue to defend and sacrifice its life for you.

– International news

according to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, Al-Mayadeen TV channel quoted Osama Hamdan from the leaders of the movement The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Hamas announced: The Zionist enemy is now suffering very painful blows that he could not imagine even in his worst nightmares.

According to him, the morale of the resistance fighters is high and they are in control of the conflict and are confident of defeating the enemy.

According to Hamdan: Netanyahu It hinders the freedom of (foreign) nationals.

He once again asked the United Nations and the World Health Organization to visit all the hospitals in Gaza. Make sure that Israel’s claims are false.

Osame Hamdan emphasized once again that no power on earth can impose its guardianship on our nation. No, we tell Biden and the West that they should stop thinking about the future of Gaza. And he emphasized that these Zionist crimes were committed with the green light of America. will and you must pay for the release of the prisoners held by Hamas. America’s claim regarding the humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza is not consistent with this country’s support for the massacre against the residents of the Gaza Strip.

Network Al Jazeera quoted Barhoum and added: America’s claims about a humanitarian ceasefire are a deception of public opinion and an escape from international pressure.

He accused the Zionist regime of complicity in imposing a new reality in Gaza and conspiring to destroy the Palestinian issue.

Hamas: Only Al-Aqsa storm operation could revive the Palestinian movement
Hamas: US claims about the administration of Gaza after the war are an “illusion” / the enemy continues to retreat
Hamas: The occupiers can’t cover up their failures by lying/ Israel’s casualties are much more than what it declares

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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